Monday, May 4, 2009

Book Binge: Guest Author: Lauren Dane - Characters

Book Binge: Guest Author: Lauren Dane - Characters

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Adding a New One To My Favs!!

I just finished a Rhyannon Byrd weekend with Against The Wall, Waiting For It and Triple Play. And let me just say one thing... SIZZLE! Her characters jump off the page and make you wish you could join in the fun.

Hot Alpha Males and the females that draw them, attract them and consume them! She writes not only sexy romance but emotion that draws you into the story. I was three quarters through Triple Play when I realized I never stopped for dinner, and I wasn't about to stop then!

She has a new The Edge series out, I will be ordering each. Speaking of which, check out the contests page for the link to her giveaway for EDGE OF DESIRE, the third in the series. I can't wait to see what she has in store for us next!